The information below has been provided by local users of the hall. If you are interested in joining any of these groups, please contact the group organiser.
Cherry Willingham Methodist Church
Join us here at 10.30am on Sundays, unless stated.
January 5th – Ian Hardcastle
January 12th – Rev Jennifer Matthews
January 19th – Alison Jacobs
January 26th – Own Arrangement
February 2nd – Rev Canon Angy Long
February 9th – Rev Jennifer Matthews
February 16th -Rev Margaret Doughty
February 23rd – Alison Jacobs
March 9th – Rev Jennifer Matthews
March 23rd – Rev Margaret Roe
April 6th – Chris Matthews
April 13th – Rev Jennifer Matthews
April 27th – Rev Margaret Roe
Members of Witham U3A meet on the second Wednesday of the month 2pm – 4pm at the Church Hall.
A variety of crafts are created, including sewing, papercrafts, felting, silk painting, collage and many more.
Members share their skills and interests with one another, and occasionally, a visiting expert comes to teach a particular technique.
It is a welcoming and friendly group with plenty of chatter over tea and biscuits.
Contact Pam Peace on 01522887084 for further details.
We are a small friendly group of ladies (20+) who meet the first Wednesday of each month in the Church Hall.
Typically each month we invite a guest speaker.
For instance, last year we heard about Special Edition Chocolate, The Lincoln Cathedral Embroiders Guild and the work of Macmillan Nurses to name a few.
In addition, we have an annual lunch at a local venue, a fund raising event for our chosen charity, which we change every year and also we have an annual outing to a local place of interest.
New members are always welcome.
For further information please call Wendy on 01522752275.
We meet from 11:00 to 12:00 on Wednesdays and play popular music at a basic standard with either acoustic or electric guitars.
New members are welcome at any level.
For more information, please call 01522 752513 or 07549 999170.
We meet Friday afternoons 1pm to 3pm.
Members bring their own preferred mediums i.e. Watercolour, Pastels, Acrylics, Graphite, Coloured Pencils etc.
Members are more than willing to share their skills and experience, and we have a very experienced art tutor who will offer advice on request.
All are welcome from beginners to the experienced.
It is a very welcoming group who provide plenty of friendly chatter over tea & biscuits.
Cost: £10 collected every 5 weeks.
Contact Mick Ward on 01673 860255 or 07928 269182 for further details.
Welcome! This is a great opportunity to take time for yourself, build creative skills in a welcoming space, under the guidance and care of Ali, an experienced tutor and artist.
Here’s an overview of the creative courses for adults:
- ‘The Art of Calligraphy’
- ‘Step into Drawing’
- ‘Step into Painting’
- ‘Art to Enjoy’
All courses are perfectly suitable for who feel they are beginners except ‘Art to Enjoy’, this course is designed for those who wish to re-discover their love for drawing and painting.
A couple of things common to all courses:
- What do I need? Just be curious, patient and enthusiastic to learn!
- Booking is required for all courses.
- Course fees cover, professional tuition, materials and resources during the sessions.
- Dates and times vary, depending on the course.
For enquiries, full course details and to reserve a place, please contact: [email protected]
Men Aloud
All men are invited to come and enjoy meeting together.
The aim of the group is to chat and enjoy discussions about any topics of interest.
Religious discussions are not encouraged.
Our existing group comprises of men from different backgrounds, coming from various villages.
We hope to enjoy some fun and laughter while enjoying each other’s company.
A cup of tea or coffee will be provided. ☕
The group meet on the First and Third Tuesday of each month at 2pm.
Come, relax and have a chat. We look forward to meeting you.
Gardening Club
The Gardening Club is for everyone – those who are practised gardeners and those who are new to cultivating their gardens. 🧑🌾
We meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 2pm in the Church Hall.
A variety of speakers are invited to share their knowledge and answer questions.
Once a year we visit a nearby garden to glean knowledge and ideas.
We do not meet in December, January or August as these are usually holiday periods.
All are welcome so come and experience what professional speakers can help with and enjoy the friendship of others who love gardens and gardening.
Mothers’ Union is a global Christian movement working with people of all faiths and none to develop communities, strengthen families and advocate for change.
Our members are active in 83 countries and work tirelessly to serve their communities to build a future where everyone thrives. Our branch is part of the Lincoln Diocese, and we meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 2 pm for worship and fellowship.
We have regular speakers on a variety of subjects, and anyone is welcome to attend – you don’t have to be a member.
We support the local women’s refuges, support maternity units across the diocese knitting for premature babies, have links with hospitals, care homes and dementia sufferers, providing them with fiddle blankets and muffs. Members also go into the Bishop Grosseteste University on a regular basis providing snacks and a listening ear if required. In November, we also support the walk from the Cathedral to the High Street handing out leaflets supporting the 16 days of Activism against Gender-based violence.
The Diocese is also involved with The Clewer initiative which seeks to bring recognition and support by raising awareness of all aspects of modern slavery.
As you can see MU is a very active organisation. If you wish to know more about our meetings, please contact Anne on 01522856588.
The Whist Club has been meeting in the Church Hall for more than 25 years and welcomes all players of whatever age and ability for an afternoon of friendly but competitive whist.
The Club meet every second and last Monday of every month at 2 pm, and the cost is £2 which includes tea or coffee and biscuits.
Transport can be provided for those of limited mobility.
For more information, please contact Steph on 07747692675 or Keith on 07775514044.
This is an absolute beginner’s gentle yoga session aimed to help promote all-around wellness.
Sessions are on a Thursday evening from 6pm to 7pm.
Kerryn is in the final stages of her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training and these sessions are provided as a student.
The classes are paid as a donation of your choice per session, with the average payment being somewhere between £5-£10. Advanced booking is essential due to limited spaces.
For further information or to book a space, please email: [email protected]