Cherry Willingham Church Hall
Serving local people and the wider community
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About the Church Hall
Cherry Willingham Church Hall was built in the 19th century as the village school when Education Acts made schooling compulsory. When the building stopped being a school, the village children went to nearby Fiskerton or Reepham up until a new Primary School was built in the 1960s.
Cherry Willingham is a large village approximately 4 miles, (6 km) from the city of Lincoln.
The hall is a well used and popular facility for the village and the surrounding area.
In addition to Church events, numerous local organisations of all ages (eg. Playgroup, U3A Craft, U3A Natural History and Architecture, Mothers' Union, Gardening Club, Over 60's Luncheon Club, Forget-me-Not's Club, Men Aloud, Guitar Club, Dance Practice) as well as private functions.
The Church Hall is located on High Street in Cherry Willingham, not far from the city of Lincoln.